5 tips and tricks for composers


As you know, the entries in the Composition category of the Szymanowski Competition are already being accepted and we'll keep collecting them until 30th September. We are excited to see the works submitted by each and every single one of you, and for those who feel a little dubious or are struggling with composer’s block, we’ve prepared a few tips and tricks that might help you create the masterpiece of your life. Feel free to take notes and share the article with your friends!

  1. Less is more

Young composers often try to use everything they have learnt and put all the coolest effects they have heard in one piece they’re writing. The result can be too much. Try to pick only one technical aspect and one inspiration from one piece of music at a time. Then, move on to another composition and choose another set of techniques you will focus on. Trust us, less really is more. You’d rather master one technique at once than blend them all into one work.

  1. Listen to what you hate

Yes, all musicians listen to music all day long. After all, there are more sounds, artists, musical pieces, and songs that keep us inspired than we can count. But don’t underestimate works that stand opposite to your taste, and listen more. Explore the music genres that you really don’t like. Analyse what it is that makes you dislike them and what would make them better. Then, all you need to do is to turn something you hate into something you will love. Combining this and the previous point will help you define your own unique style. 

3. A little bit of stealing never hurt nobody

They say that a good composer borrows, while a great composer steals. This is as true as off it sounds. That’s how great artists used to learn their craft ages ago, and how it still works. Choose a few works that you admire, analyse them deeply and critically, and think of what makes them so good, and what you would change. Write down every thought that occurs to you, and then, basing on these notes… Try to write your own work!

  1. Every day is a good day to compose

Practice takes time, so why don’t you compose a small piece every day? Look for inspiration in everything you hear, or try to create a little background melody to a scene you saw while walking with your dog… Inspiration can be found anywhere. Every day is a good day to try out a new technique… So, give everything a try and keep composing. Do we have any plan freaks or daily routine fans? Great, because planning a few things here or there might be helpful! You might want to:

  • Choose a time in the day when you compose those little works, it might be morning or night, whenever you feel most creative and nothing will bother you. Even 15 minutes will do!
  • Choose the parameters and techniques you will focus on.
  • Create.
  • Give your work a few days to rest.
  • Come back and see if you still like it. If you don’t, improve it. Perhaps writing down all the changes you’re making will help you avoid a few mistakes or bad ideas in the future.
  • Repeat the above, and keep composing and honing your skills!

Perhaps you have someone who could take a look at some of your works, or even play them, and share their insight with you?

  1. Join a community

Speaking of showing your works to others… Joining a community dedicated to music composers is a brilliant way to exchange ideas, critical opinions, support, and then… improve. After all, who will understand you better than a fellow composer? There are numerous groups on the Internet and social media to choose from. Don’t be shy, go for it!

  1. Bonus tip!

Do you know what another great idea is? Yes, you’ve guessed! Taking part in the Szymanowski Competition! We invited true masters of the music arena and the most brilliant composers to join our Qualifying Committee and Jury! Wouldn’t it be great to show them your work? Take your chance!

The winning works will be released on CDs and included in the repertoire for the further Competition categories. Besides the cash prize, obviously 😉

Composition Category ends on 30th September!

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